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Terms of Use

By registering to the Helsinki Material Bank you accept the rules & regulations of usage and understand that these materials may solely be used when marketing and promoting Helsinki as a city and a travel destination. Helsinki Partners and the photographer’s name must be mentioned at all times. Helsinki Partners (former: Helsinki Marketing) is a city marketing, investment and talent attraction company owned by the City of Helsinki.

1. Guidelines for the use of images

1.1. The images maybe used free of charge when promoting Helsinki abroad for tourism, congresses, business, studying and events in Helsinki.

1.2. The images may be used in media (including travel guides and employee / customer magazines) when the article is about Helsinki or a local company / university or another local service provider.

1.3 Marketing of products or services for the purpose of increasing travel to Helsinki is permitted. (For example, it is permissible for a hotel or university in Helsinki to market its services abroad in order to attract guests or students to come to Helsinki.) The images may not be used in sales items (e.g. postcards, posters or umbrellas).

1.4. If the images contain / reproduce works of art or other copyrighted works, the user is responsible for clearing the rights with the copyright holder / Helsinki Partners. Helsinki Partners accepts no liability for the artist’s copyright.

1.5. The photographer and Helsinki Partners must be credited (unless some other party is to be given credit). The credit must be placed on the photograph itself, directly under it or in the immediate surrounding area. Crediting can be done by using the mouse-over function on websites and in applications if this is more expedient. For more information, please contact [email protected]

1.6. Changes may be made in the form of cropping, but images must not be otherwise manipulated. The images must not be altered or reproduced in a manner that may damage the photographer’s reputation.

1.7. Images may only be used for the purpose they were downloaded for and must then be deleted. If the user wishes to use the photographs in further productions, they must be downloaded anew, as new Terms and Conditions may apply.

1.8. The images cannot be lent, sold, handed over or in any other way transferred to other parties without Helsinki Partners' consent.

1.9. If the conditions are not complied with, the use of the images will be invoiced at the individual photographer’s applicable rates. The user is solely responsible for all image use. The user is also required to hold Helsinki Partners harmless from claims arising from any use which violates these Terms and Conditions from image copyright holders.

1.10. Helsinki Partners shall be free to revoke the right of use of the images and/or exclude the user from any future use of the image bank.

1.11. Disputes concerning the interpretation or application of these Terms and Conditions shall be adjudicated under Finnish law by the District Court of Helsinki.

2. Guidelines for the use of videos

2.1. All video clips may be downloaded and used free of charge in the low-resolution format. Video clips may be downloaded and used in their original form (with the Helsinki logo) when promoting Helsinki abroad for tourism, congresses, business, studying and events in Helsinki. This permission does not apply when the object concerns general commercials for television or cinema.

2.2. The name of Helsinki Partners must always be mentioned in the credits whenever videos are displayed. Helsinki Partners' approval is required in cases where the user/ broadcaster is a commercial entity. This applies to the use of entire videos as well. For excerpts/clips from the videos or HD material, please contact [email protected]

2.3. The edited videos may not be cut or used partially or their soundtrack changed without permission from Helsinki Partners who will consider each request individually. If video clips and/or films contain/reproduce works of art or other copyrighted works, the user is responsible for clearing the rights with the copyright holder/Helsinki Partners.

2.4. Raw videos can be edited according to purpose.

Examples on how to use copyright

Copyright-text placed under the image
Christmas lights in Helsinki (1)
© Jussi Hellsten / City of Helsinki City of Helsinki
Copyright-text overlaid
Helsinki Christmas Market
© Jussi Hellsten / Torikorttelit
Copyright-text as an Alt-text
Suomenlinna is open even in winter
© Emilia Hoisko / Visit Finland